— Reopening Soon! —
Money Unveiled
Freedom through Form and Financial Literacy
For Initiative Takers and Those Seeking More Clarity
about Personal, Community and World Economy
Distance Learning Program
and Monthly Associative Economic Support Sessions
to Deepen our Experience of the Economic Principles and Practices
inspired by Rudolf Steiner
with Arthur Edwards

Rudolf Steiner
“There can be no doubt, during recent times, it is clear that economic facts are no longer being mastered. The facts have gone beyond the mastery of human beings.
In the economic sphere above all, we must not think shortsightedly. We must think all things in connection with one another, as a totality.
It is necessary by direct human experience, to take hold of the economic process in its state of becoming, to be within it all the time. However the individual alone can never do this. . . it can only be done by individuals working in association in the economic life. . . .
The economic process can only find its reflection where judgments, proceding from people who stand in the most varied spheres, work together
. . . The greater our technical accuracy (financial literacy) with which we study the economic process, the more we are led to recognize that the required (or inspired) initiatives and institutions (from which we serve one another) only grow out of the economic life itself.
It is not a question of radical changes but of seeking the proper associative union and cooperation in each case.
When the proper understanding and clarity is there, we realize a new economic process can be achieved, not the day after tomorrow but tomorrow! We only need summon the will and the intelligence to do so.“
– Rudolf Steiner
Economics, The World as One Economy
New Economy Publications
Program Preview and Course Synopsis
Crisis without End?
The economic crisis is an invitation to do things differently, but before we can act differently we need to see differently, above all to think differently! In his economics course Rudolf Steiner outlined what challenges faced humanity if it continued with an outmoded economic thinking and described what was needed to restore health and balance. His description is more relevant than ever but still insufficiently understood as to its hows and whys. He spoke of association, ageing capital, three kinds of money and capitalizing capacities … but where are examples of these things to be found?
In Our Hands
As the (still current) 2007 crisis shows, humanity’s economic thinking has failed: leaving in its wake wealth disparity, environmental destruction, unpayable debts, soulless work and a plethora of phenomena that all lead back to the money question. The responsibility for this does not stop with finance ministers and central bankers but is now in all our hands. How do we understand this and what do we do with it so that we can contribute to the solution rather than continuing to be part of the problem?
Course Themes
- The currently accepted world economic paradigm and its consequences for us personally, globally, and ecologically
- What a new paradigm would look like in the initiatives we may be involved with and/or in our personal financial transactions and choices.
- Financial Literacy from an Associative Economic Perspective
- Initiative or Project Finance
- The Question of Land Ownership
- How can Community Supported Agriculture be Re-imagined
- Business Forms and Collaborative Contracts of Association
- Conducting an Associative Economic Meeting
- The Questions that arise around the Bylaws of Non-Profit or For-Profit Corporations
- Double Entry Bookkeeping as a Threshold Experience
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Ongoing Now:
Anthroposophy Alive
Collabortative Conversations
in light of the soul, the season and our shared responsibility to meet the events of our time
We warmly welcome you to explore with us as we share out of our relationship to Anthroposophia. Topics may include:
- Fostering Soul Cognitive Capacities to connect with our visible and invisible community through the Cycle of the Year and the Cycles of Life and Death
- Exploration of Karmic Relationships as they Reveal themselves in both Personal and World Destiny
- Viewing Current Events from a World-Historic Perspective and the Contribution of Key Influencers in the unfolding Evolutionary Journey of Humanity
- Seeing Our Individual Biographies from the perspective of the evolutionary cycles of humanities’ unfolding biography.
- Coming to know Rudolf Steiner’s life and its significance, past, present, and future
With Eliah Rael, Biography Consultant
Vivianne Sinclaire, Purpose, Path, and Threshold Care Facilitator
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